Fall is the time where the air turns crisp and the heat goes on. It's the time we close windows and seal any leaks. It's where we breathe the same air day in and day out. It's also when we get to be with all our "stuff" that's been accumulating inside. Walls will close in very fast with clutter when the weather turns bitter cold.
Ask yourself these questions when it comes to getting rid of the Fall clutter...
Did you wear it this season?
Does it fit you comfortably?
Is the color faded or does the item have any stains?
Is it classic enough to be in style next season?
Do you REALLY love it and feel REALLY good in it?
Will you diet and exercise to lose weight (if too small)? Be honest with yourself.
If it's expensive, contact a consignment shop (you just drop off and they do the work).
If it's expensive, sell in online at a high end retailer. Be honest with yourself if you're willing to do the work of selling and shipping.
How many of each item do you need? Remember you can wear accessories or switch up items to create a different look with the same items. This is called a capsule wardrobe and saves time when deciding what to wear.
Want to create a capsule wardrobe? Use these hangers in different colors and pair multiple pieces together including scarves and jewelry.
What is your lifestyle now? Do you mainly wear casual or work clothes? Keep what style is "occasional" to a minimum.
Small closet? Look into cascading hangers such as the velvet ones (space saving) with a hook below the main closet hook.
Use 3m hooks to hang necklaces. It creates a instant visual inventory when getting dressed.
Get donations over the shop within two days so they don't sit around for you to rummage through.
Use organization tools. They are well worth the initial cost of purchasing.
Have two closets? I recommend making one spring/summer clothing and one fall/winter clothing. This leaves you with just purging clutter every year, but not having to switch out clothes.
Is it expired?
Have you used it in the past 6 months?
Can it be replaced easily if not being used currently?
Does it have holes, rips, or fraying? (towels)
Is it taking up too much space and not being used?
Makeup: pick out a few favorites of each category and throw away the rest. We tend to use our "go to" makeup most often and it will save time in the morning.
Not much room? Use a three tier wheeled cart for items used less often. It can be stored out of your bathroom.
Use organizational tools, they are well worth the initial cost of purchasing.
Have you used it in the last year?
Do you cook/bake a lot?
How many daily family members are in the home? A rule of thumb is two to three of everything for each person, so a family of a four would have 8-12 plates, etc.
Do you eat out or in most often? Cut the items down accordingly in bullet above.
Can you see everything clearly when going in a cabinet. If you can't you have too much clutter.
Be honest. Clutter is filled with good intentions.

Do you have unused electronics? Recycle them. No one will want your fax machine and it will never be an antique.
Unknown cords or adapters? Place in a box and wait a year. If you don't look for it by then, chances are it doesn't fit anything important.
Get rid of excess pens. 10 pens will get you through a couple of years and if not, they aren't that expensive.
Get rid of bulk items. Office supplies are generally inexpensive to replace.
Again...use organization tools.
Clear your desk and only keep items used most often on it.
When's the last time you used your crafting materials?
Is there any crafting you've become tired of doing?
How much stock is needed to get you through a year of crafting?
Does your life accommodate the time it takes to craft?
Are you being honest with yourself and your habits/time needed to craft?
Can the crafts be replaced easily and economically if you decide on a hiatus longer than a year? Maybe keep the expensive beads but get rid of the cheaper ones that are no longer in style, etc.
Can you cut down crafting to one or two creative mediums?
If it's overwhelming, then its not relaxing. Crafting is supposed to be relaxing.
Has your child outgrown their toy?
Has it been played with in the last 5 months?
Is it to big and bulky for the room?
Is your child overwhelmed with the amount of toys. Children can also get anxiety when there are too many choices.
Is it broken?
Have an adoption day for stuffed animals where you and your child can make adoption certificates and give away some animals to children at a mall, etc.
Is the toy too complicated to put together or take apart?
Get rid of McDonalds toys.
Use organization items. Label them so your child know where they are and where they need to put it back. Doesn't read yet? Use pictures printed out on the internet.
Keep toys out of the bedroom. It makes going to bed easier for both of you. Books or 1-2 stuffed animals are okay as they promote sleep.
Whatever you do now while the weather is still on the mild side will help you get through the long winter months ahead. Having an organized home to cuddle up in will be well worth the work it will take to remove the clutter now.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable fall season.

Robin has been organizing homes in the Chicago and suburban southside area for three years. She has an undergraduate in Clinical Psychology from Governors State University and uses her education to help clients clear clutter with the understanding of each individual client's situation. She has extensive knowledge of organizational systems and finds joy in helping others achieve their dreams for a stress-free organized home. If you are interested in her services please visit: https://www.beautifulhomeorganizing.com/